Saturday, January 5, 2013

NOTD: Zoya GeiGei

Photo: Zoya Gie Gie

This color is so fun and girly! It takes me back to when I was little, at the ice-cream parlor with my Daddy, eating my bubblegum ice-cream with my little pink Barbie purse in tow. I'm just now starting to realize that cooler tones look better on me. I have another Color Club from last Spring a baby pink that I just can't wear, it makes me look so sickly. Also a beautiful color I picked up looks soooo pretty in the bottle but looks horrible on me, Loreal Versailles Romance a pale peachy pink.

Photo: Zoya Gie Gie


  1. Now that seriously is a girly colour! love the pearly finish xx

    1. Yes it is! Thanks! I love it, it's so pretty! :)


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